Feral Animal Control
The reserve has been divided into three blocks – Old Gluepot Block, Central Gluepot Block and Birdseye Block. Birdseye Block has restricted access and is defined as a reference and conservation area.
Calperum Station borders the reserve to the north/east and eastern boundaries and Taylorville to the Southern boundary. Parcoola Station and Balah Station borders the northern and western boundary respectively.
Impact of Feral Animals
Birds Australia Gluepot Reserve provides habitat for numerous rare and threatened fauna. The Malleefowl is of particular concern as its numbers have declined substantially Australia wide. Research indicates that predation by foxes can have a dramatic effect on Malleefowl chick survival rates. Studies in other areas have shown that intensive fox baiting programs can play an important role in the increased survival rates of young Malleefowl during the first 6 months of life, when they appear to be most at risk . Recent research indicates that overgrazing may also have an impact on malleefowl breeding. Feral Goats are the primary grazing animal on Gluepot Reserve.
An article describing the control of goats and foxes at Gluepot can be found here