Gluepot Reserve is open. Please do not rely on Google maps or sat-nav systems. The only way to Gluepot is from Lunn Road off the Goyder Highway. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Weed Control
- Most of the weed species on Gluepot are concentrated around the 18 dams which were in use when the Reserve was first purchased. A few months after Gluepot was purchased it was estimated (Fiona Bennett) that no more that 200 Ha of Gluepot were possible weed control targets. Since then 16 dams have been closed and a dogged program of weed control has meant that over half of the dams on Gluepot are weed free. (Although they should be checked periodically.)
- Dams are checked for weeds periodically – at least twice per year
- Dams which have the highest concentration of weeds are: Woollacott, Kangaroo Bluebird, Old Gluepot, Homestead Dams, Froggys, and Picnic.– in that order. Other dams have been closed and are virtually weed free.
- High priority weeds are usually those which have small easily spread seeds eg Asteraceae, various Thistles, Fleabane, Stinkwort, and also Horehound.(this weed fortunately struggles on Gluepot and does not appear to be spreading as there are no sheep to spread it around on their fleece. (However it is a weed of concern on Woollacott Dam). Other common weeds on Gluepot include all three Heliotropes, Maltese Cockspur and two species of ice plant. In good years other weed species such as Stinging nettle appear. These die off quickly in summer and are not considered a priority.
- Salvia is common on Gluepot and although not a high priority weed it is sprayed where the area is not too large and sprayed for containment when it occurs over a large area.
- Matchhead plant is found around the homestead and shearing shed and is either sprayed or hand dug. (mainly the latter).
- It is policy to keep an eye out for new weed species. Eg Wards Weed.(Further South on Lunn’s Property.) It is possible that these can be brought in on boots and wheels of visitors to the Reserve.
- Most weed species are sprayed but if numbers are low enough they can be hand dug (avoid disturbing soil too much). Hand dug weeds containing seed heads can be collected (place them in large bags) if the area is not too large.
- These can be placed in the rainwater tank opposite the shearing shed.
- If the area to be sprayed proves too large (weed sprayer’s judgement), the weed species can be sprayed for containment; eg sprayed around the outside of the weed area.
- If weed species are higher than 900 cm in height the risk of spray drift becomes too high. It is advisable to cut weeds down to under 30 cm, wait a few weeks for them to reshoot and then spray. This is most likely around the two Homestead dams where there is more water.